
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Kazakhstan intensifies counter-terrorism efforts


Kazakhstan intensifies counter-terrorism efforts

By Aleksandr Bogatik

Kazakhstani Committee for National Security personnel train in Almaty’s suburbs in August. Kazakhstan is increasing the anti-terrorism readiness of its special forces. [Courtesy of the Committee for National Security]
ASTANA – Kazakhstan, behind a call from President Nursultan Nazarbayev, is stepping up its anti-terror efforts, following recent acts of violence.

“There is a growing risk of interethnic and interreligious conflict. The threat of a new onslaught of international terrorism remains high,” Nazarbayev told parliament September 1.

He reminded parliament of an upcoming bill on religious activities and urged its passage. The bill’s main requirements are re-registration of all religious organisations, banning of the practise of naming mosques after those who funded them, and analysis of what every religious group is teaching.

Nazarbayev also called for dealing with illegal mosques.

This is the first time terror concerns have come from such a high level, analyst Yegor Vasilyev said.

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