
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

These Indian College Students' Stories of Sexual Harassment Show It Happens Everywhere

By Julie Zeilinger December 28, 2015 11:50 AM
 From directly confronting their harassers to viral social media posts and even school projects, women are speaking out against street harassment more than ever before. Given that a 2014 report by the organization Stop Street Harassment found 65% of American women have experienced it, these responses are clearly warranted. 
But the issue is one that undoubtedly extends beyond the United States — a reality that a group of Delhi University students revealed in "My First Experience With Sexual Harassment," a recently released Old Delhi Films video, BuzzFeed reported Monday.
While the students' individual experiences varied — from harassment in the home to on the street or in public places — the overall experience is a common one in India. One study revealed 7 in 10 Indian women have been sexually harassed, the Times of India reported in 2012, and an estimated 848 Indian women are harassed, raped or killed daily, according to a 2014 Huffington Post report.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

site verification url

Anwarali Warsi via Google+

14 minutes ago  -  Shared publi
google-site-verification: google293b3d357b7616f7.html

site verification url

google-site-verification: google293b3d357b7616f7.html


Models in France will need a clean bill of health in order to work—literally. TheGuardian reports that Lawmakers passed a bill on Thursday that will force models to present a certificate from a doctor that vouches for their overall health and wellness.
Parliamentarians retreated from an earlier version of the bill that would have established a minimum body mass index (BMI) for all models, opting to let doctors themselves decide what "healthy" means for every individual. Still, the onus is not only on them. Lawmakers voted to include a section that mandates that magazines denote photoshopped images. Any altered photos must now be labelled, telling readers they've been "touched up." 

Monday, December 14, 2015

A guide for seekers to get success online

One day I woke up and decided that I was tired of being 'poor'... not having money, not having any freedom... I was working in a job I hated. I was coming home tired every night, stressed out and full of anger- mostly at myself for being so 'stupid'. After all, it seemed like everyone was successful on the Internet EXCEPT me. I felt stupid. I wasn't stupid, but I FELT that way. I was searching for the answer, but it seemed to be hidden. I prayed ... nothing. I asked for people's advice... nothing. Most people were as stuck or worse off than I was. So what did I do? You will see... you will see :) But let me ask you this: Have you gotten to that point yet? Have you made the money you thought you would or are you still 'spinning your wheels' trying "this", trying "that"? How many e-books have you read about 'Internet Business and Success'? How many times have you told yourself, "This time I'm REALLY going to take action!" ? Maybe you've even started your online business and you've had some success... but not as much as you thought you should have had. 

Idiot proof working online

One day I woke up and decided that I was tired of being 'poor'... not having money, not having any freedom... I was working in a job I hated. I was coming home tired every night, stressed out and full of anger- mostly at myself for being so 'stupid'. After all, it seemed like everyone was successful on the Internet EXCEPT me. I felt stupid. I wasn't stupid, but I FELT that way. I was searching for the answer, but it seemed to be hidden. I prayed ... nothing. I asked for people's advice... nothing. Most people were as stuck or worse off than I was. So what did I do? You will see... you will see :) But let me ask you this: Have you gotten to that point yet? Have you made the money you thought you would or are you still 'spinning your wheels' trying "this", trying "that"? How many e-books have you read about 'Internet Business and Success'? How many times have you told yourself, "This time I'm REALLY going to take action!" ? Maybe you've even started your online business and you've had some success... but not as much as you thought you should have had. 

Sunday, December 6, 2015



Friday, November 27, 2015

How to get growing in tuff ecinomt

Jay Abraham
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Are you wondering how to get going and growing in this tough economy? Do you want to get the most yield out of your business, and everything else you do?
And by everything, I mean…
Every hour you spend in your business, every decision you make, every dollar you invest, every customer or client or prospect you or your staff ever deal with, every ad you run, every sales presentation or investor pitch you ever make, every letter or email or blog post or video you send out…

Saturday, November 14, 2015

How to make a new post

In this article, I’ll share with you how to write good blog post titles, with step by step example showing you how I would do it.
First, let me explain what is a good blog post title.
An effective blog post title is one that serves two purposes.
1) It helps to get the article ranked well in the search engines.
2) It encourages someone to click and read.
The reason for these two purposes are obvious. First, your article must be able to rank well in keywords that people search for and when these people see your title, it must capture their attention so that they will click and read your article. If your blog post title can fulfill these two purposes, it is a good title.
Writing great blog post titles is quite simple. In this article, I am going to show you step by step example of how I would do it.
1) Decide what you want to write
For example, today I initially wanted to write an article about ‘how to write a blog post title that can bring you traffic’. My purpose of the article is to highlight to you that you should do some keyword research before writing a blog post title.
As you can see, my final article is not titled that way. That’s because of Step 2. Read on…
2) Do some keyword research
Keyword research doesn’t have to be intensive. It just take me less than 5 minutes.
Once I decided on the topic to write, I went to Google and searched ‘blog post title’ and google’s auto-suggested the following phrases
blog post title generator
blog post title seo
blog post title examples
So people are actually looking for blog post title examples. Point taken.
Next I searched for ‘how to write blog post titles’ and google’s auto-suggested the following variations
how to write blog post titles
how to write good blog post titles
how to write great blog post titles
how to write an effective blog post title
Since ‘how to write good blog post titles’ is the second option, it means there are more people searching for ‘good’ rather than ‘great’ and ‘an effective’.
3) Put yourself in the user’s shoe
Now, ask yourself, if you were to search for ‘how to write blog article titles’, what kind of title will you click?
The answer to this question may vary. In my case, remember that in my previous keyword research, I noticed that people are actually searching for ‘blog article title examples’? That gave me an idea. Whoever looking to learn about blog title will be interested to see a few examples. In fact, people like to see examples. It’s human nature.
Now my article title becomes obvious. I am going to name it ‘How to write good blog post titles – with example’.
From SEO point of view, this article can be ranked for
how to write blog post titles
how to write good blog post titles
blog post titles examples
That’s not all. I’m going to use the word ‘great’ and ‘an effective’ in the article, so that the article can be ranked for ‘how to write great blog post titles’ and ‘how to write an effective blog post title’, if the competition for these phrases isn’t keen.
From human point of view, the title is what they search for, plus it offers step by step example of how I would do it. This makes the article different from other articles that simply titled ‘how to write good blog post title’.
There you have it. Once you get the title right, your job is simply to write a good and useful article that meet the user’s expectation.