
Monday, December 14, 2015

A guide for seekers to get success online

One day I woke up and decided that I was tired of being 'poor'... not having money, not having any freedom... I was working in a job I hated. I was coming home tired every night, stressed out and full of anger- mostly at myself for being so 'stupid'. After all, it seemed like everyone was successful on the Internet EXCEPT me. I felt stupid. I wasn't stupid, but I FELT that way. I was searching for the answer, but it seemed to be hidden. I prayed ... nothing. I asked for people's advice... nothing. Most people were as stuck or worse off than I was. So what did I do? You will see... you will see :) But let me ask you this: Have you gotten to that point yet? Have you made the money you thought you would or are you still 'spinning your wheels' trying "this", trying "that"? How many e-books have you read about 'Internet Business and Success'? How many times have you told yourself, "This time I'm REALLY going to take action!" ? Maybe you've even started your online business and you've had some success... but not as much as you thought you should have had. 

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